The Firm Other Firms Call


As a firm with a deep understanding of legal ethics Parker Shaffie and its attorneys has a deep understanding of the rules that govern attorneys in California. 


Leaders in Legal Ethics

Partners David Parker and Shawn Shaffie are widely known for their legal malpractice expertise. David Parker was Certified as Specialist of Legal Malpractice by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization in 2011. Only a handful of attorneys in California carry this distinction. In addition, our firm regularly provides CLE and MCLE certified programs to law firms at times and locations convenient to their varied audiences.

We Are Expert Consultants

Parker Shaffie attorneys frequently serve as expert consultants sharing their knowledge of legal ethics, custom and practice and best practices with law firms, in-house counsel, general counsel and law firm management. 

Plaintiff & Defense

We represent plaintiffs and defendants and provide consulting and litigation services throughout California in ethics matters.

We Are Complex Problem Solvers

We Are Complex Problem Solvers. We solve problems, provide independent counsel, perform ethics audits and provide advice on a range of ethical issues:

  • Representing Parties in Attorney-Client Fee Disputes

  • Response to State Bar Investigations

  • Retainer Agreement Reviews/Audits

  • Conflict of Interest Identification

  • Avoidance & Management

  • State Bar Complaints

  • Intra-firm Migration

  • Ethical Screens

Let Us Know How Parker Shaffie Can Help Your Firm

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