Trade & Transportation Law
Our attorneys have earned their reputation for engineering innovative solutions to complex legal issues, including those dealing maritime laws, trade regulations, and transportation laws (including all methods of transportation – ships, boats, yachts, airplanes, jets, trucks, trains, vans and other cargo transport vehicles).
As experienced maritime, trade and transportation law attorneys, we handle a wide array of legal issues concerning commerce and the transportation of goods, including the following:
Maritime law – focused on shipping issues including related to damage to or possession of your boat, ship, or yacht;
Insurance law – relating to transportation issues including personal injury, property and casualty;
Conflict of laws – including international conflicts of laws;
Personal injury – including representing owners and claimants relating to claims connected to cargo ship, truck, trains, and aircraft;
Bill of Lading issues – including ownership, insurance, and damaged cargo disputes; and
Contract disputes – concerning, for example delivery, ownership, and other issues regarding cargo and common carriers.
For information on how Parker Mills LLP can put nearly three decades of legal experience to work for you, please contact us.
Parker Mills LLP
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